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Petr Bosnakov - 17.03.2022

Buggyra secured strategic partnership with GLEEC

The Estonian company, located in Tallinn, has its own product Gleec Coin. It entered the cryptocurrency market back in 2019 and has become one of the most promising blockchain projects in the world.


Buggyra secured strategic partnership with GLEEC

Choosing GLEEC was not a random decision. Estonia has been one for a long time of the most digitally advanced societies in the world. The cryptocurrency idea is based on blockchain technology, which is used by Estonia in its state registry. Since 2017, the country has been working on its own cryptocurrency called Estcoin, which is not supposed to replace the Euro but to offer a new platform for further progress of a digital economy.


The Buggyra management explains the new partnership by the fact, that GLEEC has a great chance of becoming one of the most advanced blockchains in the world. The Tallinn company also strictly adhere to a philosophy based on fractional power consumption and minimal carbon footprint. The Buggyra team plans to introduce an NFT digital collection on the GLEEC blockchain. This partnership will be presented across all competitions.


Martin Koloc, as the team principal, speaks about a partnership for the future. “Buggyra and GLEEC are both striving for constant progress and development. Both brands also have the same philosophy about environmental protection. Apart from that, GLEEC and its NFT can help us to communicate with our ever-expanding Facebook community. We’re glad that we were able to find a partner with the same philosophy and we believe in long and successful cooperation.”


About Gleec
To summarise our business, Gleec is a comprehensive ecosystem focused on blockchain technology, crypto and finance with a range of integrated products and services. We started in 2014 with the idea that technology is for anyone, anywhere. Now we offer a trusted and easy-to-use platform with crypto debit Visa cards, exchange, our own coin and more. 






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